Systematic Review (SR) is a technique used to search for evidence in scientific literature that is conducted in a formal manner, applying well-defined steps, according to a previously elaborated protocol. As the SR has many steps and activities, its execution is laborious and repetitive. Therefore, the support of a computational tool is essential to improve the quality of its application. Therefore, a tool called StArt (State of the Art through Systematic Review) was developed, which aims to help the researcher, giving support to the application of this technique. The StArt tool has being used by graduate students who have declared its positive support and its advantages in relation to other tools.
Linux users: we recommend VirtualBox.
Main reference papers:
Fabbri, S., Octaviano, F., Silva, C., Di Thommazo, A., Hernandes, E., and Belgamo, A. (2016). Improvements in the Start tool to better support the systematic review process. In Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE'16), Limerick, Ireland, June 2016.
Fabbri, S., Hernandes, E., Di Thommazo, A., Belgamo, A., Zamboni, A., Silva, C. (2012). Managing literature reviews information through visualization. In International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.14th. ICEIS, Wroclaw, Poland, Jun, 2012. Lisbon: SCITEPRESS.
Hernandes, E. C. M.; Zamboni, A. B.; Thommazo, A. D.; Fabbri, S. C. P. F. Using GQM and TAM to evaluate StArt – a tool that supports Systematic Review. CLEI Eletronic journal, vol. 15(1), 2012.
Hernandes, E. C. M.; Zamboni, A. B.; Thommazo, A. D.; Fabbri, S. C. P. F. (2010) Avaliação da ferramenta StArt utilizando o modelo TAM e o paradigma GQM. In: X Experimental Software Engineering Latin American Workshop, ICMC-São Carlos.
Zamboni, A. B.; Thommazo, A. D.; Hernandes, E. C. M.; Fabbri, S. C. P. F. (2010) StArt Uma Ferramenta Computacional de Apoio à Revisão Sistemática. In: Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice - Tools session. UFBA.
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26/09/2013 - UFSCar, AT9, 169 room. Targed audience: DTO - UFSCar
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Application deadline: 23/09/2013.