Validation of Smart City Applications: A Fault-Based Approach
Research Project:
Validation of Smart City Applications: A Fault-Based Approach
Context: Smart City applications are currently used in varied critical domains such as transport and urban mobility, healthcare, housing, and public safety. For instance, technologies for traffic control help reduce transit delays in large cities; however, failures in the traffic light system, for example, may cause accidents, hence harming the citizens and raising concerns regarding the reliability of these systems. Therefore, Smart City applications must be developed to be robust and correct. Nevertheless, existing techniques to implement such quality attributes focus on specific parts of the systems (for instance, sensor networks), or are not sufficiently refined to be applied at the source code level.
Objective: Establishing a fault-based approach for the development and validation of Smart City Applications, including fault tolerance and mutation testing, with a focus on the urban mobility and traffic control domains.
Method: We will create a catalogue of fault, error and failure types that are inherent to these systems. The catalogue will underlie the definition of fault tolerance and mutation testing approaches for the investigated context. Tooling support (for fault injection and mutation testing) will be developed and inter-integrated, as well as integrated with a simulator for Smart City applications. Experimental studies will be performed for evaluation and approach refinement purposes.
Expected Results: Theoretical contributions (catalogue of fault, error and failure types; and approaches for fault tolerance and mutation testing), automation contributions (tools), and experimental contributions (results from experimental studies), which will promote advances for the development of Smart City applications and the academy-industry technology transfer for this relevant domain of computational systems.
Links to project resources, publications and deliverables:
- Tools and related resources:
- MidVAL project at GitHub:
- LaPES-EI project at GitHub:
- InterSCity original website:
- InterSCity local project at GitHub:
- Publications:
- Zenodo repositories:
- Others (to be added ...)